Monday, August 22, 2011

DARKTHRONE - Circle the Wagons LP

Darkthrone back with its latest studio album 'Circle the Wagons'.,here's what Fenriz have to explain the meaning behind the title:

"The new metal decade starts with our album. It is a message to the Invaders of our metal domain to circle their wagons!!!

With our own brand of heavy metal/speed metal-punk we are a constant ambush on the modern overground metal traitors. Join us in our fight against instant gratification.... and let's see who stands when the smoke clears...

Album by album we gnaw away at the overwhelming mass of so-called raw metal out there - well, the only time i saw something raw wrapped in plastic was when it was DEAD meat. And so in the long run, all raw bands with old raw sound WINS – and your plastic paradise instant gratification sound vanishes with time".

Once again Dennis Dread arts filled on the front of the record jacket, he also the one who responsible for the artwork on previous Darkthrone albums, Fuck Off & Die and 2008’s Dark Thrones and Black Flags, as well as for US greats, Abscess.

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